Austeer and Sustainable, she's beautiful!

The ticky-tacky.  It's interesting to see how important such a simple structure as a garage, has changed the world we live in today.  This humble structure with very little bells and whistles has brought such an impact that it has impacted itself.  In an area where these structures gave people the opportunity to succeed, are now considered a luxury to have in many places.  To have a space where you can work while not being able to pay for the large overhead that comes with renting an office space is what we aimed to provide with our project this semester.  By providing a space where the doors could be left open to let passerby's see what is happening within can encourage others to do the same.  By providing affordable spaces to start new businesses, entrepreneurs are able to start something new with minimal risk.  Because there is a shared value in the space, a community environment can be fostered.


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