Suburban Developers Should Pause and Think

Despite what is going on today, I 'm still all in for high density urban spaces, what I am not for is the urban sprawl.  Even though it is commendable for developers to keep as much of the existing site as possible, I don't think developing rural areas is the way to go.  My family lives on a farm where most of the land within 2 miles was farm land until the past 20 years.  As farms have been sold off because of financial instability, developers have been buying up the property and developing with quarter acre homes.  This is possible as much of the land has been cleared before hand for farming.  First thing impacted where the widening of the streets, and increase of traffic.  When developers have had to cut trees, erosion has impacted many who have ponds in the area.  Either their ponds have dried up or they have been polluted by the runoff from the neighborhoods.  What's worse is that these new homes have displaced many who can't even turn around and buy one of these new 'better' homes.

I see the benefits of having more space between homes and having tree lined roads, but I don't think there is value to doing away with what is existing to make way for something that is not real.  I greatly enjoy being able to come home and look out towards the mountains and take a deep breath.  Take a break from the hustle of work and the urban, but I know that the days are slowly slipping before this gem is no longer.


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