Architecture and Participation_Blogg Entry 3

Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful organization. They build homes for people who would not otherwise be able to afford their own house and just for that they are a great help to them. The actual building is usually predetermined but just having a volunteer community come together to build this project puts a lot more care and understanding into the building itself. The user or eventual home owner cherishes their new home even more so then they would if they were just to be given a home or apartment that is already built and was built for someone else. These types of projects are a start to incorporating the community and the users into the process of architecture. They may not have been able to help with the design but just beginning to be involved in the construction is a step in the right direction.

“Architects have the skills and expertise to help realize localism. We can develop a ‘vision’ and bring inspiring ideas. We can help people set ambitious targets, have a real say in their local area, and create – through good design – places that will improve the quality of their lives.
“Many of us are already working closely with local communities but we need to seize this opportunity to work together to create the best environment for their neighborhoods.”-IBA President Angela Brady
The skills that architects posses are invaluable t o people, we are taught to imagine things that do not exist yet and reimagine things that do exist. Using these skills to help people realize what they want/need is important.
In some countries architecture has to be developed through the help of the community and the actual users of the projects and not just the people providing the money. If the community says that they will not use something unless they approve upon it then what is the point of building the piece of architecture to begin with. In the image above a building is developed by Architecture for Humanity and a relationship with the community in Nyeri, Kenya. The building becomes a project not only for the schools sports teams but it becomes a community center as well as a major source of fresh water. This is where the architect can begin to use their skills to not just give what the people want but also what they need through working with the community that they are designing for.

maps and hands
Community planning is something that can be construed in ways as being helpful in making sure a place is developed in a sensible way. But why is it necessary for one person or even a small group of people to take it into their hands to know what is the best situation for the people their providing for. This starts to look at the question of solving the problem of "why" does this need to happen and not just answering the question of "how" can this happen. 
This is the type of "architecture" or really product that is developed when it is decided that the market will push what can and should be done. This is what happens when people look at architecture as a commodity and the people developing this do not think about "why" it should be this way and only think about how to produce this faster because this is what the people "want". Like I  have stated previously, architects or designers have the ability to imagine things in a different way the majority of people will like what they are sold and can not imagine things any other way so it is our responsibility to use this imagination to help provide what the user wants and to think about the long term effects of these environments that we are creating and providing for the users.


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