Informal Space_Blogg Entry 4

What is the role of the architect????
Each one of these examples shows what role the architect can play with in the design process,
 the commercial process, and construction process of a building. 

Rem Koolhaas's proposal for West Kowloon Cultural District over looking the Hong Kong Harbor. The idea behind this large structure was to create "urban villages" with in Hong Kong. The villages that he was copying from provided a very sustainable example and also a place that promotes the mixture of culture. This proposal was very well developed and could have been a new way of living for people in Hong Kong but it was not received well by the people who lived with in the city. Because it was a type of lifestyle that was not wanted by the consumers it was not developed. In my mind Koolhaas was correct to try and provide a new innovative way to live for the people of Hong Kong but in some ways he did not leave enough to the people to decide, mixing his ideals for the project as well as what the people wanted would have probably helped him "sell" his project.

housing, construction
the “Tila” housing block located in the Arabianranta district of Helsinki, Finland, by the architect Pia Ilonen and her architecture and design firm, Talli


These two examples show what happens when the architect takes a very minimalist role, providing only the "frame" of the building while the interiors are developed by the occupant. John Habraken was the architect who pushed the theory that architects should take only little action when developing the building, that the people will provide what they want or need and it will become richer for it. In some instances this is true but not in all, the designer or architect provides something that the everyday person can not yet think of, imagining spaces that can better their lives. But the problem then are we creating a new product that we must push to sell or are we providing architecture that can house what the people want.

Communicating V.S. Living. With only focusing on the communication of architecture to the public the architect becomes a commodity as well. Venturi's Decorarted shed exemplified this, providing what people are familiar with and over exaggerating it just to communicate what the building is. Buildings like this sold but where not actually good spaces. This Portland building by Venturi signified the end to this type of post modernism, realizing that this was not the correct answer to the problem at hand. Providing exactly what people want only by using the things that they already know puts the architect into a position of not being necessary. Which is the same consequence in which was concluded from John Habraken's theory.
This project developed by Alastair Parvin called Wiki House promotes the idea that anyone can build a house with the provided instructions and tools. so the base frame is developed by the architect and then the "blueprints" are put out for anyone who wants to build this small house. The purpose behind this project is to put an emphasis on providing architecture not only for the top 1% wealthier class but for the 100%. Trying to make good design affordable for everyone. This idea is similar to what Habraken suggests but uses innovation to provide for the poor, not just saying that we can't design specifically for the 1% anymore but that we should design for all, create inclusive design not just for the disabled or elderly but for even different classes and cultures of people. The architects role in this project is to provide the best possible design through innovation to everyone and anyone possible.


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