Suburbia Failed
Suburbia began with a state of mind, catering to white middle-class families around the time of WWII. Initially it was directed by the government, and with cars in mind. Suburbia offered a place of refuge from the problems of race, crime and poverty found in the city; catalyst to the "White Flight".
Suburbia provides things that a city cannot; space, convenience, closeness to nature, architectural freedom (to an extent), and a sense-of belonging with like-minded people. However, these factors evolved over a short amount of time leading to the demise of many cities, and cultures. Suburbia has transformed into a monotonous, dull, sadmasochistic environment (Rene Boer et al., 2019). Cogent components include detachment from urban life, enforcing isolation. segregation and obesity. And now we watch as the victims of suburbia make their way back into the city to revitalize, re-gentrify, enforce alien culture on the unsuspecting.
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