Distance between Neighbors

Personally, the biggest difference between living in the urban area and living in suburb area is the distance between neighbors. No matter in which country you live, suburb residences are always yards by yards and individual houses inside. In cities, people always live in apartments, usually several suites on each floor.

Thus the physical distance between neighbors in apartments is always no more than 5 meters which are 1/10 of the neighbors in the suburb. However, the neighbor relationship in the suburb is always closer than in cities. Obviously, this contrast is due to the different lifestyle in the various area.

As an architect, this is interesting to dig into this phenomenon. Does the distance between two spaces matter the communication of people? Yes, it does, but it also depends on different conditions. For this instance, it's lifestyle-related. For another instance may be climate-related, traffic-related or acoustic-related, etc. This means we can't take one design dimension from one building to another one directly. To take the best experience to the residents and to be responsible to people using our buildings, we should make our analysis be complicated.


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