Artifice and Fantasy

Koolhaas argues that works of Modern architecture create "antiseptic" environments and attempt to bring the fantastical into reality by "systematically exploiting all available apparatus and all the fresh infrastructures of the age to establish fantasies as realities in the world." However, in projects such as his Downtown Athletic Club he fully embraces fantasy and artificiality through the fabricated environments within the building. He argues that the difference between modernity and the Metropolis is the latter movement's endeavor to, "create a world totally fabricated by man, i.e. to live inside fantasy." How can the Metropolis that Koolhaas describes avoid creating spaces that are "antiseptic" when every component of the environment is fabricated and artificial? One could argue that Koolhaas' vision for architecture is more fantastical than that of the Modern architects, but is the fundamental difference between the two found in the design intent in which artifice is employed?


  1. Do you think it is a real fiction for New Yorkers? Instead of normal daily routines?


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