Signage / Fiction / Reality : Situational Manifesto of Three Cities

Las Vegas / Signage:

Yes or No?
Architecture does not create space, but marks space. 50% Yes
Architecture does not mark the place, but marks the events that take place there.  75% Yes
Should signs be honest?  Well, should politician tell the truth? You tell me.

New York / Fiction:

Is eating oyster naked with boxing gloves on the 9th floor really a fiction?
Realities for New Yorkers might be a fiction for villagers.
Both fictions and realities are SUBJECTIVE and INDIVIDUAL.
Architecture, however, is usually COLLECTIVE.
Scales are not designed, but requested.
Metropolitan Architecture does not equal to Architecture.
Situation is important.

Tokyo / Realities:

Are architects constructing fictions or realities?
If architects construct realities, then nothing will be improved. Wrong Answer.
If architects construct fictions, then what is a good fiction? Wrong Answer too.
As a collective construction, architecture construct both fictions (good or bad) and realities.
Increasing the percentage of good fictions, is our job.


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