Is junkspace and globalization destroying society ?

Globalization has created a world where we have become accustomed to instant gratification and having all of our needs the moment we want them. If we go out to eat we can have mexican, italian, breakfast, indian, steak, or just grab a burger with in the same building. With everyone wanting more choices and more variety it's no wonder that our world has become more and more filled with junkspace. Within the past few years it has gotten even worse with the internet and "apps" we can order food from any of these restaurants and have it delivered to our door without ever moving more than a finger. Society has become dependent on these junkspaces and who can blame them. Even in a city like New York you can typically find everything you could even need within just a couple blocks of where you live, and guess what "they deliver." The sad part about this is we have become to glazed over from all of the magic of instant gratification that we have began to let junkspaces get out of control. Society does not need more malls and walmarts in order to be happy, but what we do need is more quality spaces, and before the question of what is a quality space comes up I can already say that I don't know. What I do know is I wouldn't want to get married in a Walmart so I argue that Walmart is therefore not a quality space. Quality spaces should be different for everyone but that's what is going to give them the uniqueness to be of a higher quality than spaces we have and are creating today.


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