Ambitious and popular
Ambitious and popular
I’m surrounded by the poor. So to be empathetic with them and have an effect, I will decide to abandon my house and join them living on the streets.
Is it a practical way to help them? Will accepting this misery improve their existing condition?
Neutrality and deferring judgment is not about appreciating populism, but it’s to see the society as it is. Instead of appreciating consumerism under the flag of local culture, a democratic way is to look at the society as it is with its all different layers. All in one instead of getting overwhelmed with just one layer of commercial pop.
Accepting a condition means taking position on that matter. So means getting biased about it and exactly means to not defer judgment. If a culture is accidentally sick, at a specific period of time, the avant garde approach is, not giving up on your ideals. It won’t help that culture. Trying to get mass culture and the intellectual working together and sharing together, can be a beneficial way for the society.
We can imagine a city for all within a building. A city for elite and general people, for rich and poor, for young and old, all in an inclusive design. A Manhattan with different styles and scenarios reflecting our ironic surreal living condition, but the true one. An architecture that can have all the minds and intentions together.
“it is our context” so we accept it, is like: these are our established norms so we can not question them. It doesn’t mean to ignore pop culture, but to take it into account as a social component. Instead of taking it as the only true source of people’s needs. A new model for a city is not destined by the existing accidental condition. Studying the existing condition is the key, but critically.
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