Architecture for the people

Too often we find architecture that is "for the client", because the one with the money dictates how architecture should be, even though they are never the ones using it. What is the point of architecture if not designed for the people who use it? Contrary to the values of autonomous architecture, I believe that Architecture is not art nor is it a sculpture. We design lifestyles, we design spaces where people spend a majority of their time, it is therefore our social duty to enhance their experience.
It might have once been a profession that "excluded economic, social, cultural" context, however with the democratization of architecture we have a new responsibility. What was once an elitist profession, is now a profession that caters to the people.
CIAM's approach to the housing problem after WWI addressed the correct problem but offered the wrong solution. It was a solution that did not necessarily cater to the user.
The user is important because the user creates the life inside the architecture. If the user was not important, there would be no reason to design different buildings. There would be no reason why a building in Beijing could not be placed in Haiti. To ignore the contextual and cultural conditions of a building is to ignore the fact that architecture is made to be inhabited.


  1. Atleast it seems like we are GENARALLY moving in the right direction, with some wrong turns here and there, I am optimistic about the democratisation of architecture as many great projects are now done with people as the "why" rather than dead rulers.

  2. Girl, I didn't even need to read your post... I just read the title and was like "she get's it". Architecture today is so much more than just building a building to build a building. Just because a developer has X amount of money DOES NOT mean that they should build some shiny glass tower. You are so right when you say context and culture MATTERS!


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