The Complex background

I didn't realize the importance of background buildings until I visited Barcelona, London and Amsterdam.  All of the ‘ordinary but important’ buildings and activities added up to something greater than the sum of its parts. The beauty of these cities are not tied to a particular building but the culmination of all buildings and activities within and around.   I think the general attitude of background buildings has improved to a more positive view for many designers today. This is likely due at least in part to many thinkers like Habraken, DeCarlo and Crawford. Habraken states that truly creative talent is stimulated by constraints.  This couldn't be more true for myself and many people I have worked with. Many designers cannot create anything of value without constraints. I appreciate his point on the demanding constraints of everyday life and its environment. This got me thinking about just how demanding designing that environment can be(another reason it should be designed though creative public participation?) and just how non-demanding many ‘more desirable’ commissions like museums, mansions, skyscrapers, city halls etc are in comparison.  Everyday life in a city can often be so complex that a trained professional cannot fully understand every aspect of the environment and how it relates to all the different individuals will use it. I think Habraken is right that architects will need have great public collaboration skills to develop truly successful buildings for the city.


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