a dollar and a (small-scale) dream

I personally don’t want to be a hot shot, big time architect in a massive urban environment. I do see the value in the individual at that scale and  I applaud the example with the student recommending re-purposing the beltline in Atlanta but I just don’t see myself making an impact in the big scale. I desire to affect the smaller communities and towns in small scale steps at an individual and personal level. Would I be doing less for the global impact than those who want to hop in and change the dense urban culture? Or those who want to reach headlines for re-purposing an entire sector of a city through strategic and (attempted) controlled gentrification? Who knows.. . but I honestly could care less. We have a unique skillset and perspective. I believe that alone gives us the ability to make a global impact as an individual. Where we take those skills and how we apply them seems to be the question.

Image result for old town

Image result for old town mall baltimore

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