Some clarification

Architecture has a critical position between a social and cultural product and a functional object. It is not an isolated medium but is actively engaged in its social, cultural and political context. Architecture is not a disconnected and independent discipline but sensitive to the society and public needs and shows the everyday fact of life.

Yet, the definition of criticality needs some clarification. Does it mean to have an extreme unusual form? Does this necessarily happen with weird shapes? Does being a critical architect mean being formalist?

Critical architecture does not need to be overdesigned and has nothing do with rocket science. It can have a clear and to the point message organized in semiotic sequences which at this moment does not need any overacting either.

Criticality beyond how it is applied, goes beyond the architectural elements. It is a position that architects take towards society and what’s happening surround us and means to not be indifferent to our environmental events. It tries to see architecture as a theoretical product not architecture as a functional object. A theoretical product which embraces different social groups, economics and information systems.


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