
The topics of social justice + space, scarcity contra austerity, and rural studio has made me realize that architecture is inevitably entangled with society, economics, politics, and the environment. I think the readings suggest that it is an Architects prerogative to guide how space responds to these concepts. It is their job to challenge the existing conditions, and make ethical and responsible changes to the built environment. I think that an architect has the unique ability to use creativity to push the boundaries of how space can be informed by complex situations, and—at the same time—change them for the better. We should think of these complexities in a way that make us design more creatively.


  1. Great Post!

    Once we get working that hard 9-5 I think it will be easier and easier to lose this aspiration, but it's certainly worth clinging tight too. What we do, regardless of how small, whether in a city or in the boonies... it has the capacity to effect people in a very real way

  2. Great Post!

    Once we get working that hard 9-5 I think it will be easier and easier to lose this aspiration, but it's certainly worth clinging tight too. What we do, regardless of how small, whether in a city or in the boonies... it has the capacity to effect people in a very real way

  3. I agree, especially with the last sentence. I once heard architecture described as "solving a problem in the form of a building." When we think about all of those things that architecture and space is entangled with, it's not hard to view it as a problem solving. But that's what we live for! We go through school and learn all about space so that every building we design properly responds to those challenges.


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