With an academic and cultured cover

Authoritarian aspect of architecture is another example of dictatorship but with an academic and cultured cover. Labeling a space with a specific function is not only the death of it in the long term, but it is also depriving people of using their imagination and creativity to explore the space.

Capitalists’ greed deprives weak layers of a society of benefits of facilities and advantages of living in a city. By their organization, all the benefits are centralized and exclusive to particular classes and the excluded,marginalized part of the urban fabric has already been deprived of  experiencing that city life.

How architects by labeling spaces neglect people needs of play and art and interaction is not less dogmatic than what Capitalists do to different levels of a society. Instead of having a functionalized space and a segregated and displaced society which neither moving forward the edges of architecture and nor the democratic society, layering of all differences and extremes would be the solution.    

Instead of separating different layers of a society and different layers of people needs, considering all at the same time without drawing a wall between them is a way to have a more diverse and dynamic approach to our built environment.


  1. I found this to be useful and very good for me personally. Well worth the time learning reading and using it in my class. Critical instance case study


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