Shaping Human Lives

“Thinking about space has changed significantly in recent years, … to an active form shaping human life”
-Edward Soja

I love the idea that space shapes human life. It gives me the hope that one day spaces that I help create will positively impact people. For example, the project we discussed in class with the slums being inaccessible to the city was able to come up with a solution that revitalized the entire community. By implementing cable cars that took people into the city, the whole area transformed. How powerful is that? One simple, common sense solution was able to shape human life. This is something that I take into consideration with healthcare projects. How will the space help heal the patient and shape their life? We have a very large scope in healthcare, and if somehow we can figure out what that simple, common sense solution is, think about the amount of lives we can shape.


  1. We just discussed a quote in class related to your post, about how every architect has a dream to make the world better, but the answers and solutions to that dream are undefined. As we are all entering the real world work force, it is important for us all to remember our desires to create a better world and not allow ourselves to get comfortable and caught up in the every day flow of an architecture office. We need to make sure to stay curious and push the boundaries of what our architecture can do for the people that we are designing for. It will also be important to not be afraid to present seemingly out of the box ideas and try to change the ways that things are typically done, especially if we feel strongly that it could change the lives of people for the better.


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