On Gentrification

I found the debate we had the other day very interesting. I think the most beneficial part of the discussion is seeing the many different perspectives that can come off of one topic. Often when discussions start, you see that someone else may have a very similar perspective as you but come to a different conclusion because of how they think through the topic.

In the debate Byron asked if he could use screen shots from comments on a Facebook post a put up early this semester. The post was asking people about what they thought about gentrification and if they thought it was an issue in Greenville, SC. This simple exercise was incredibly revealing to me about the diversity of opinion and understanding of the issue.

I am still rather unconvinced that there is any "good" solution to how to handle gentrification. I wish there was an obvious right or wrong decision when choosing how to develop a community, but there are many variables that affect situations uniquely. Is cleaning up an unsafe neighborhood where drugs and crime are high to create a more family friendly and cultivating environment ok? How do you do this in a way that does not push people who are there out but still renews and revitalizes a place?


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