Bet you don't know where this Building is, cause I sure don't

Why has every apartment or housing building going up in the past ten years look the exact same? One of the first things drilled into me while figuring out my first facade was to look at what the local materials could be. None of the new housing projects today look like they use any sort of local material instead vying for 6-15 different styles of cladding on a building that really only has a wall with a few bumpouts purely so the building doesn’t appear like a solid mass. This style makes me angry because rather than creating a unique living space, a developer would rather fill their lot with as many units as possible then sprinkle the building with a few common areas (typically citing the lobby as a place to hangout as well) as well as other amenities to drive the cost of living up in their apartment complex. I don’t know what to do about people trying to maximize their profits though in land development because we’ve effectively commoditized housing and there really is no way to reverse course to make our living experiences focused on the people in the building.


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