Hi-Tech Drag Queens

                If you look at the entire catalogue of work coming out of most undergraduate programs in this country, I almost guarantee you that every student has a project with some type of green roof with full-grown trees slapped on top in photoshop. I find myself a little bit in agreement with Abalos when they talk about how we have turned towards technology as our crutch for making our buildings more efficient. The technological solutions aided by sensors and maybe even cameras are producing lazy designs where integrated, sustainable design solutions are not at the cutting edge of the profession. Instead of leaning into the humble origins of how humans have successfully built comfortable buildings before AC, we’re leaning on technology to do the heavy lifting so we can dance with tantalizingly seductive forms. “Sustainability…has become to the eyes of the rest of professionals, and especially those of students, a parade of hi-tech drag queens which hardly stimulates creativity.” Your sustainable solutions suck ass, but don’t worry, you have all the deliverables.


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