A Fantasy World

I am grateful for the Postmodernists who preceded me. They opened a door and said, anything goes. We accept it all. You want a building that is a sunset? Sure. Let’s do it. You want to eat oysters wearing boxing gloves? Why not? You want to sunbathe at 1 am? We can make that happen. It seemed as if there was really no limit.  Thanks to technology, if you could think it, it could be reality. And although it could be seen as extremist, it was quite possibly a necessary step to move away from the strict ideas of Modern architecture. Postmodernism was non-critical and liberating. It was a fantasy world, which led to the wide array of ideas which make up contemporary architecture.  I am thankful that the architecture of today is not ruled by one overarching theory, but is influenced by many different views.

Coney Island

Radio City Music Hall


  1. I am also grateful for the postmodern movement, Katie. It has allowed for self-expression and multiple opportunities in design that I think we all as designers appreciate.

  2. I agree with your statement, "post-modernism was non-critical and liberating". I think this movement, paired with the Internet (having access to so many different design styles), has really transformed the architecture of today.

  3. I also agree with you, postmodernism generated a liberation for architects and their designs. I do not agree with many of the projects developed in that time but the results for later generations were considerable.


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