Cities and Buildings

The diversity of congested cultures is significant for a big city like New York, which is big and crowded. Various programs are compressed by high density city to create seemingly unreasonable but in fact very natural and diversiform collisions. As for urban design, the buildings can be treated as people in the architecture designing process.

The diversity of the city is contained by each building. Somehow, every building can be looked as a city with different scale. Opposite, cities can also be looked as buildings. We can see this from Rem Koolhaas’ design “Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture”, which is also the reflect of Berlin Wall. He imaged London to be separated be good and bad side with the division of this stripped “city”, and people can choose any square inside without political attitude which like an Utopian playground. So, this project can be looked as either a city or a building.

Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture


  1. Interesting point Jiayu, it is important to look at each city in its own context. Today, we think of architecture in a global context and sometimes lose sight of the local context. These images feel dystopian to me, forced separation in cities, even if good and bad, is proven to cause more problems and against basic human rights.

    1. I guess that is why they are "Prisoners of Architecture."


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