Architecture in Greenville

“Famous urban environments from the past teach us it is quite possible that an entire environment is beautiful, functions well, and is well executed.”

Greenville’s growth in the past few years has stimulated the housing market and can be best seen in the downtown area. The reading by Habraken reminded me of the “Architecture” popping up around the city. There’s one that I want to pick on, located on North Main Street and East Stone Avenue.

The contradiction that I find in some of these housing developments are the momentary attempts being made to attract newcomers to make Greenville feel “special and different”. The architecture is nice for what it is but can be found in other cities too, there’s nothing unique about it and it doesn’t necessarily contribute to the growth of the city in the sense of drawing inspiration by the context and taking liberty to express a sophisticated project from a thorough investigation.


  1. Good post! It is important that the architects find the architecture phenomenon happened around us. The Greenville is the nice city and I like that. It is hard to make a small town keep a special style under the fast developing speed. But it is very easy to be destroyed by couple bad building project. That the architects should take a responsibility to our job. Because the line we drawing on the paper may course a big problem to the public.

  2. Alex, I'm so glad that you brought up the fact that there is nothing special about these apartments. Personally I don't find them very attractive and you are absolutely right, how can they contribute to the "uniqueness" of this city when I can travel to almost any city and find the exact same thing?


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