“As a professional, the architect became a representative of the class in power. – Giancarlo De Carlo

“If there is any power in architecture, it is the power of synthesis”.   - Alejandro Aravena

Power is a relative concept. It is everything while simultaneously nothing to those that do not control it. So how do we handle it?

In the case of architecture, obviously the most powerful profession…It becomes a question about control. Finding the balance between these forces is the the essence of what we must discern as designers.

 Its tricky...but we have as the end of the day, we as architects (paid for as a service) must provide for the client, however powerful they may (or may not) believe themselves to be. 

This is a dichotomy which I think should be inherent to each professional who is bold enough to wield the stamp.  It should be a constant discussion between your own moral compass and our civil duty as stewards to a healthy built environment and social structure.


  1. I hate to cause an uprising here....but I think it's ignorant for us as architects to say we have the most powerful profession. Do you have a lot of control over the built environment, yes. Will the built environment continue on without the presence of our control, YES! Architecture is a necessity but based on evidence in this reading architects are not. "As long as a group of humans in physical space exists, the physical organization of space will continue not only as a fundamental necessity of existence, but also as the most direct and concrete means of communicating via materialized systems of self-representation". I think the real question to be self reflective of here is how much control do we want over the built environment and how far are we willing to go to get it?

  2. Fair.

    But I also believe that as licensed professionals it is our duty to recognize that are positioning in decision making should be held to a high degree of fidelity. This is not to say that we must walk around as though we hold the biggest stick on every job site..BUT, the notion that we ARE the professionals should be behind all of our decision making in practice.

    So, is it too bold to say that architecture is the most important profession?

    No, not not if you also believe that, "As long as a group of humans in physical space exists, the physical organization of space will continue not only as a fundamental necessity of existence, but also as the most direct and concrete means of communicating via materialized systems of self-representation".

  3. Well put Mr. Blevins, I referring of course to the original blog post... I've learned not to meddle in others affairs.. lol // I'm personally all for uplifting the 'stature' (preferably financially) of architects in our society, being that I'm sort of Dabo Swinney all in at this point, but there does seem to be a real necessity for humbling oneself to work with the 'client'... I'd propose, for the top 1%, that they relinquish all their rights as architectural clients to architects, wouldn't that be something!


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