Participation for Architecture or architect

Architects acting a powerful role in the world because we can make a desition that can influence people's daily life. But at the same time architects is also a  presence less role. Because we can not make any decision without people.

The architect tries to engage people and ourselves in the design process and we call it "participation". But it still not working well. Because of the building built by money, not the design. Participation tries to make the design more reasonable for people, but people's mind is changing. One design principle cannot work forever. When we talk about the "how" and "why", the topic is already outmoded. That why that when we look back, a lot of building is not working very well anymore. 

One design strategy is only working for your own community if not fit to all others. That's why the most famous architects and their projects are mostly in local. The localization is more important than designing a participation architecture.


  1. That's an interesting point to make about designing within your local area and it reminds of how sometimes when a nationally known firm designs in a city, a lot of times the local architects are hired to take over and develop that design. One of the reasons as you stated that they know their community better than anyone else.

  2. Your comment of how people's minds change and looking back we see mistakes we made makes me consider the fact that so few architects go back and evaluate how their buildings are actually working. Post-construction evaluations can be very helpful, but not often take "too much time."

  3. Maybe it is simply easier to have participatory design while designing locally. While designing locally, everyone is on the same level and there is more trust (hopefully). I wonder if it would be possible to have successful architecture non-locally. I suppose this would take a lot of work and a lot of time, concepts that are of an even higher value.


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