The city definitely belongs to the public space.  But if we looking back the history, the public never make the city. No matter which country, what time period...

The city was build in the same way from 613 in China and it is done in the same way in 1850 at Paris,also it happened in 1900 in New York.
The public just comes or left into the city, they enjoy or hate the city, they born or died in the city. During the whole process, they never make the decision for how to build the city or what should the city looks like. The most participation is agreed or not with some decisions. Because the city was built by a few people who can make the policy. Architects are also helplessness in this situation. The city was grouped by buildings but these buildings were designed separately.  Some building maybe designs successfully for itself but it still not enough to influence the city.
The city is cut by streets, the street block is grouped up by buildings. No matter the shape of the city is a square, a circle or line. It always made by the policy.


  1. You bring up a good point about the helplessness even of architects. City planning is on the large urban planning scale. Do you think we should actively engage in these conversations anyway? I think we should still be aware of what's going on in the cities we live in and not just passively let the built environment change.

  2. I think you're right that the city is mainly policy driven, if architects get involved, it will mainly be reactionary and after the fact. To change this, it would require enough architects to give up the profession and go into city council, planning department, and HUD positions.


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