Urban objects

While looking around for images on urban objects I came across this article called "Urban Hacktivism, reinventing public spaces". I thought it really nailed what I was going to talk about on how "everyday objects" can influence the public space. My example was going to be the Superkilen park in Denmark by BIG (look it up if you don't know it though!) but this seems even more appropriate.


Everyday objects being "hacked" by "everyday" people has always intrigued me. Growing up I wanted to become a sociologist in order to understand why people and cultures did they things they did and why. Urban environments were even more interesting since they seemed to change more rapidly than suburban ones. These images are art work from artist Florian Rivière in Vienna where he takes his "mode of transportation" and inserts it within the urban furniture "re-purposing" their use.

"Rivière feels we all need to use our imaginations to “build our own environments.” People, explains Rivière, need to become active citizens, not passive consumers.He uses his  urban hacktivism to experiment with how urban communities can solve problems and build things by reusing spaces,furniture, and objects like free resources within the community’s streets, parks, and vacant lots."

Image result for ikea disobedients

I think this kind of goes along with this week's reading but mostly with Andres Jaque "Ikea Disobedients" art piece that was suggested for this week as well. 

"Everyday objects" changing "everyday life" within an urban environment. I wonder how our urban environment would look like if all of us were to change it. How comfortable or uncomfortable or how nice or chaotic would it be? At the end of the day, we are all different yet our daily lives do seem to be similar.. where would that line be?

Source: https://www.urbangardensweb.com/2013/01/14/urban-hacktivism-reinventing-public-spaces/


  1. I think that how far we can change space and be part of the process of place-making really rely on the design of it. The more creative and exciting and human-centered the design is, the more opportunity it will give its users to participate.


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