Finding the Balance of How and Why

Reading through the text and a few of the other blog posts, this question of how and why in architecture seem to be a repeating occurrence.  On the one hand you have the how.  This is more of how you are doing something and tends to encompass a lot of the technical attributes of a piece of architecture.    On the other hand you have the why.  Why are you doing this?  Why is the form the way it is?  Why are you taking the approach that you are?  All of these are extremely important questions.  But how can one create a piece of architecture without going back and forth between the two questions?  As architects, we must not only as why we are doing something, but also how we are going to execute it.  Likewise, we cant just determine how we are going to build something, we must also be able to describe why we are building it that way.  Finding this balance takes a lot of training as it uses two completely different ways of thinking in many cases, which is why, as architects, we go through so much school and training and exams before we are licensed.  There is a lot of responsibility on our shoulders and not just anyone can take our place.


  1. I agree that these two questions are extremely important. I have to wonder if it is imperative for every architect to resolve the how and why for every design- or maybe this is a good argument for collaborative design and universal knowledge? In my opinion, we all have strengths, and we should play to them- opening up the floor for many minds to contribute to the built world.


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