The Ambiguous Frame

There is a wonderful relationship between ambiguity and frequency. As unclear and maybe even confusing as our daily lives are, there is an underlying frequency (frame) that keeps everything from going to chaos.

In translating this into physical architecture, it can be quite literal. The frame is the structure that provides the building with some level of order. This happens on a micro scale (individual buildings). If we were to look at what the frame of an urban setting is (the macro), a quick assumption would be the buildings (framing the street) or the street (framing the buildings). I don’t think it is either one, but rather the consistent ambiguity of our lives being the only constant. Urbanism thrives off of people and activity. Time has shown that streets, buildings, and other infrastructure do not stand a chance against what people want to do in their everyday lives. The frame then becomes invisible and ambiguous in its own sense.

desire path

desire street (san francisco)


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