Critical vs Doppler Architects
Is it better to be a critical or doppler designer? What does each style of architecture tell about the designer? I believe that a combination of the two is ideal for the best possible result, but is often forgotten.
What does it say to the community when an obscure artifact is erected in the midst of their already established city. A great example of this would be Frank Gehry’s Dancing House in Prague. It was perceived so terribly by the community to the extent that some residents went as far as leaving comments stating their excitement for the “quick demolition of the structure.”
Do Starchitects fall under the category of a critical or doppler designer? I would argue that they typically can be identified as a designer that doesn't consider the community, site, constraints, or existing conditions. Is it because architects of this caliber are designing for the eyes and praise of other designers or because they want to improve the conditions and community?
Dancing House by Frank Gehry with site context