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The decorative shed, or architectural ‘duck’ is a phenomenon in architecture that has slowly disappeared from modern western development. The term originated from Learning From Las Vegas, done by Venturi, Izenour and Brown. Part of the study looked into the difference in signage of buildings. In their findings they determined that commercial street signage fundamentally came in two fashions: buildings with separate, large signage, and the decorative shed, where the building acts as the signage.

In my humble opinion, I love the architectural duck. I think it adds character to stagnant materials that we work with. By themselves, materials like concrete, brick and plaster are cold and hard, but it is the architect and the maker that breathes life into them. Obviously, not every building wants to be some type of bird. I do wonder what American interstates would look like if instead of having 30 fluorescent signs, there was a giant taco, a crown, and an actual house made from waffles. American streetscapes would have some interesting character…


  1. The concept of the duck (or the doughnut) reminds me of a very literal interpretation of form = function. This is not a good way to design as it is far too literal. A bad example of this is the basket building, in ohio. (google it)

    1. Dave Longaberger didn't work his ass off to call that masterpiece of a building "a bad example". I've always wondering what it would be like to live and work inside a picnic basket. I still wonder, but maybe someday I'll be able to experience what employees of the Longaberger Basket company get to.

  2. I did not know of this phenomenon until we spoke about it the other day in class. I find it to be an interesting concept and makes you really think just how different our society would appear if it was nothing but the architectural "ducks". I do think it could become very tacky in the architectural world, but it could be applied well to the actual graphic communication in the world of signage. Instead of a flat boring billboard - I want to see that giant taco

  3. I also love the architectural duck! What happened to the fun in architecture? Not everything we make has to be so serious. It can be fun and beautiful at the same time. I think duck architecture also has the ability to push the boundaries of technology and vise versa. There's so much possibility!


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