No why, no how
As architects, we know “how” to
design projects but need to realize that design projects can’t occur in a
vacuum. There are outside circumstances, multiple user groups, and the general
public that should effect the ‘why’ of every project. One of the biggest problems
we face when dealing with the ‘whys’ is that no two projects should have the
same ‘why.’ A public meeting seems to be the standard way to involve the public into a design process
but rarely does this have any impact on the architects ‘how’ or ‘why.’ The
standardized approach to public participation results in artificial inclusion.
Just like the participation trophies they give out to every kid up signed up
for the little league team, public meeting make architects feel like that
holding a public meeting actually means something. Giancarlo De Carlo stated,
“Architecture has become too important to be left to the architects.” I agree
that there has to more involvement by non architects to create successful and
lasting projects but can we rely on the public to know what they want and how
to make it happen? Is there a way to make public involvement mean something?
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