Secret Language

     In the field or rather realm of architecture, we often use terminology that is incoherent to anyone outside of architecture. This is true for many professions. When is comes to architectural language in form, Eisenman is making his own language in his buildings. "Rather than simply deriving its forms from functional needs, Eisenman sees modernism as “work on the language itself. . . . It fundamentally changed the relationship between man and object away from an object whose primary purpose was to speak about man to one which was concerned with its own objecthood.” With this in mind, it is apparent that Eisenman doesn't give a shit about the user or even if his architecture functions at all.

     Eisenman's works seems like a virtual reality. It is purely sculptural and experimental. He doesn't care if the space is uncomfortable to be in. He doesn't care what clashes he makes even within the building. Notice: I call his works buildings or sculpture. Architecture to me in more than seemingly arbitrary decisions that Eisenman makes.


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