The excitement of the mundane

While we all will not work on "special" projects all the time, there is value in designing for the everyday, particularly in the face of spiking urban densities. As we discussed in class, 'vertical slums' become a patchwork of built elements based on the needs of the people who inhabit them. There are numerous problems with the physical environment that have been created, but there are also really positive things happening in these communities. We should not completely discard these human and need based developments. 

Instead of continuing to design the same social housing projects, why not strive to innovate and create a new solution to an age old problem. The current attempts to solve it, like the project in Chile, aren't perfect, but they are starting conversations. And although this work may not appear "special" it is extremely valuable to the people who need it. Isn't that part of what architecture is all about?

Villa Verde Housing Project - ELEMENTAL


  1. I agree with your point and that of Habraken, that the time is over for architects to only care about monumental buildings. Design within the ordinary is important to impact the daily lives of people most. Architects need to remove their ego from the work, and this will help to move closer to this ideal. The monumental buildings provide the fulfillment the ego desires whereas the ordinary does not. Although the fulfillment may come from simply people enjoying their built environment.

  2. I completely agree with you guys!
    But I still do see that architecture is considered a luxury. I am not sure how or what can change this notion.

    We are trying to undo, in a way, the modernist ideals of architects detaching themselves from society since about 80 years now. I hope the society becomes more receptive to us too.

  3. As Juhee said, I think over time society will be more receptive of us and not see architects as glass builders only. If more people would learn about these social housing projects architects are taking part in, that would change their view of us as well.

  4. I agree that this project by Habraken definitely did start a conversation when at-least we have started talking more about need based developments. I also believe in today's generation we are putting some effort in keeping this concept in mind even if it is in the minutest scale.


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