Over Qualified Storage Rooms
What does it mean to program a building? As students we obviously do it all the time and understand that a building needs rooms and corridors designed specifically for the needs of the people inhabiting that space...but what if it didn't? What if the architect designed a building that was used purely the way that the user wanted to use it. Is that even possible? What would that even look like?
Honestly, I have no idea if thats even possible. When I think about some of my favorite spaces though, they are flexible and changeable to my needs yet I think they may be my favorite spaces because they are different from the others. If every space was a flex space would I enjoy the change of pace of a programed space? I also get the feeling that if every space in a building was open and free to interpretation then they would end up being storage rooms given the lazy and efficient mindset almost everyone has to some degree.
As students, we love our flex spaces but they arn't just "un-programmed space" they are programmed to be un-programmed and we are forcing people to used the space how we think it will be used whether they know it or not. Leaving spaces empty just to call them "flexible" isn't how it works. We need to specifically design them in a way so that people dont just use them as an over qualified storage room.
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