A Revolution on Urban Living

HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman THE LINE designs

HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman THE LINE designs

The vertical city in Saudi Arabia, also known as The Line, is one of the most controversial projects of our time. The project focuses on creating a self-sustaining city that will eliminate cars, streets, and carbon emissions. Just like the Non-Stop City by Archizoom Associate, this utopian concept will visualize how cities will be built in the near future. The Line, if successful, will provide an unprecedented study of how urban cities will be designed. The goal is to reimagine sustainable urban cities and help people reconnect with nature. This new type of urbanism will challenge the traditional notions of the city and proposes a more flexible and adaptable approach to urban design. As we start to see construction on the project, critics are saying it will fail over time, but with lots of support for the project, could the Line be the start of future city planning?


  1. I think this idea of reconnecting people to nature and intertwining the built and natural environment is where architecture should be heading. I think this would be an interesting project if its completed and could be the beginning of how cities can be reimagined to be more eco-friendly.


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