Architecture Needs to be Sustainable

Architecture is a field that has historically disregarded sustainability in favor of aesthetics and functionality. However, with the increasing concern about the effects of climate change, architects and designers are being called upon to incorporate sustainable design principles into their work.

One reason for the lack of emphasis on sustainability in architecture is the perception that sustainable design is expensive and difficult to implement. However, this is a misguided notion as sustainable design can actually save money in the long run by reducing energy costs and minimizing environmental impact.

Another reason for the lack of emphasis on sustainability in architecture is the traditional focus on form over function. Many architects prioritize the visual appearance of a building over its energy efficiency or environmental impact. However, this approach is no longer sustainable in a world that is grappling with the effects of climate change.

An example of architecture benefiting from sustainable design is the Bullitt Center in Seattle, Washington. This building is a six-story, 50,000 square-foot office building that has been designed to be the greenest commercial building in the world.

The Bullitt Center uses a variety of sustainable design strategies, including solar panels that generate all of the building's energy, a rainwater collection system that provides all of the building's water needs, and a composting system that recycles all of the building's waste.

The building's sustainable design has not only reduced its environmental impact but has also saved the building's owners money on energy and water costs. In addition, the Bullitt Center has become a model for sustainable commercial building design and has inspired other architects and designers to prioritize sustainability in their work.

In conclusion, architecture must do more to incorporate sustainable design principles into its work. Sustainable design not only benefits the environment but can also save money in the long run. The Bullitt Center in Seattle is an excellent example of how sustainable design can transform a building into a model of environmental responsibility while also providing economic benefits. It is time for architects and designers to prioritize sustainability in their work and make a positive impact on the environment and our planet.


  1. I agree that there is a strong potential to make environmental decisions a point of economic benefit; it's one of the strongest potentials that we have to utilize the structure of capitalism - by making it more desirable and profitable to build sustainably, it will be far easier to convince clients to go down this path.

  2. I also agree that there is a strong potential to make sustainability a priority. I personally think the word sustainability is being over used recently and becoming a profit driven topic. The restriction are not encouraging sustainability design solutions but becoming a check list to gain credits for discounts. If clients are encourage with this type of design method we can see more sustainable buildings.


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