Facades = cosmetics of architecture


Architects that only care about the facade are like people who only care about their appearance but have bad personalities. It doesn't matter how pretty you are or how much makeup you wear if you suck on the inside. A pretty facade means nothing if the space inside is bad. Why focus on the outward experience instead of on the inside where users spend most of their time? Post-occupancy evaluations show what users really care about and it is rarely the facade. Facades can give a good first impression but if interior spaces are dark and uninviting or too bright and hot the users will not care about how pretty the facade is. While facades are important they can not be the only focus, a good building create atmospheres and have facades that support these.


  1. KJ, I agree. I think the facade and programmatic use should go hand in hand, working simultaneously with each other to prosper. I think you cant have one without the other and the design should reference and respond to the opposite.

  2. There are many buildings where the facade and the actual purpose of the building are fighting against each other only for the purpose of pushing beauty. We need to start pushing the fact of when the facade and program are in harmony, that is what makes a successful project that people don't just like to look at, but actually desire to use the spaces.

  3. KJ, your comment about the POE is a great observation, but I would add to it. While we critique the interiors for their functionality, parts of the facade can add to or take away from that experience. For example, in southeast America, a west facing facade with no shading devices can create an extremely uncomfortable interior in the evenings.

  4. I like the comparison that you present here. If we are only designing facades to put on a pretty face, but the interiors are bad, what is the point? At the end of the day, we are left with spaces no one wants to be in. I think a good move in the right direction is facade design that aids in building performance and quality of design that impacts the interior spaces in a positive way.

  5. I completely agree with you here. While the facade is the first thing people see, it is not the most important aspect of architecture. It's like judging a book by its cover without reading the content. The interior space is where people spend most of their time, and it's essential to prioritize its functionality and user experience over just creating a pretty facade.


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