Light as a Material


    When asked his favorite material, Steven Holl replies that light is his favorite. To him, light is a principle of connecting a building to the seasons, to the times of day and to psychological well-being. Natural light affects us both mentally and physically, and it can create different experiences within a building. Steven Holl’s use of light as a way of creating an interior experience is a concept that we are using throughout our comprehensive project. To enhance the quality of life for the users of our building, we have chosen to use lightwells in multiple parts of the building to create different experiences based on adjacent program, season, and time of day. We’re also able to create visual connections from within the building to the outside which provides constant access to nature and has positive effects on people’s well-being. 


  1. I think Steven Holl is a great example of how light can be used to control and create the atmosphere of the space. This makes me think that he believes in the theory of Phenomenology within architecture since light is such a prominent aspect of his designs.

  2. It's so interesting to see how designers can take one element, focus heavily on them and create a positive impact on multiple factors within the world through architectural design. The use of light and how it can create change in the interior of a building, represent seasons, and also positively impact mental well-being is an incredible design factor that if done right, can make a big impact.

  3. Material applications that acknowledge both the exterior and interior of a building tend to be most successful. It is not enough to just cut a skylight or window but to also know who it will affect on the interior. In this case, the politics of a building are addressed on the exterior and interior, not just the façade.

  4. Gauge, you make a great point of how light can create different experiences in a building. Jesse and I's comprehensive project explores this through the strategic placing of skylights where needed depending on building and program location. If there was more time to design, I would have loved to explore this even further the way Steven Holl does through intricate interior forms of walls to manipulate the light coming into the building.


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