Thermodynamics and Design


In class we discussed HVAC and it resonated so much to all of use because we are currently struggling to incorporate such a huge visual and auditory component into our designs. We often push mechanical to the side because it is so specific and ornate that we would rather focus on the design of others than that. I know that in South Carolina, we would never be able to live without HVAC on a hot, humid day but we are so conditioned to having access to immediate cool air that we take advantage of the opportunities a building can provide for natural ventilation and designed cool air. I saw Franco’s illustration on how we can or should learn to combine thermodynamics sooner into the design, and I thought that combining passive and active strategies is a great way to reduce a buildings energy and set an example of sustainable design for others.


  1. I agree that thinking about passive and active strategies is a must. We will never be able to get rid of the HVAC system altogether, but we can put in the effort to design buildings that can reduce the need and implement the strategies sooner.

  2. Autumn, I agree that considering thermodynamics sooner into the design would be smart and sustainable. We've learned that the strategy of fenestrations, overhangs, and roofs assist in keeping energy use low, but I never considered how different temperature needs of different programs can be a way to passively strategize our spaces for comfort and sustainability.

  3. Autumn, I agree building systems in general should be properly address early within the design phase. Designers should be able to address any issues early on to avoid any conflict within the design of the buildings. In the United States we rely a lot on the comfort of HVAC system which is making us behind in developing sustainable solutions for buildings. It is up to the architect to help push this type of movement for new construction

  4. I think that it’s hard to fathom living without AC here in the south because it’s what we’ve become accustomed to. I guess it goes back to the concept of culture and the role it plays in comfort levels. It hasn’t been that many generations back that they had to open the windows and hope for a breeze, so I agree that we have become too reliant on modern technology and forget the simplicity of life…just open the windows.

  5. Great writing Autumn,
    Understanding natural ventilation and designed cool air and how to implantation with in our design is some thing should understand to create a better tomorrow.


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