Boots on the Ground


Communities are very close and interconnected. Local businesses, neighborhood watches, councils, these are just some examples of organizations that people create to have representation amongst themselves. To ensure that voices are heard, and needs are met. However, as communities grow, some don’t always have the ability to be as involved. And sometimes these may even be out of reach once you start getting to a city scale. How might someone have their voices heard you might ask?

This is where I believe we are not just architects. We are fortunate enough to work in a field that gives us access and interactions with many different people and communities. We do not just see through the eyes of a person with a singular skillset. We see with an all-encompassing lens. Working with many different people of the communities to understand and see where things are needed and changes to be made. Often we can play a role in assisting the communities to choose to make change rather than wait for it. We should be advocates and use our skillsets to assist in making changes.



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