This past week's discussion on facade and interiors was interesting when thinking about it in comparison to the ideals of phenomenology. Phenomenology is a theoretical approach to architecture that emphasizes the way in which the built environment affects our perceptions, emotions, and thoughts and as a result drives and influences the user’s experience. It is one of the most important aspects of architecture in my opinion when it comes to merging practice with theory. It uses sensory qualities such as light, sound, texture, and materials to connect the user with their surroundings which is the main goal that we as architects should consider when designing  contextually. Because of this I don't believe that architecture should be narrowed down to one building element such as facade or interiors. These are both essential to developing a fully immersive experience for the user. Even a simple facade has a message and a blank white wall is able to speak to a user. We as architects need to continue to be educated and learn how to be knowledgeable about all aspects of design and when unable to do so bring in someone who can assist so that a building is fully able to complete its built purpose- serving the user. When narrowing down architecture to a singular element such as the facade it indirectly creates faux architecture and forfeits any opportunity for phenomenology in practice.


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