What can architecture do for you?

 In Zaera's, "The Politics of the Envelope," he explains how architecture can have such a powerful impact on the political climate of a nation and/or how that nations politics can influence architecture. For example, they speak on the how the social and political structure today has migrated towards a more environmental focus.  "Buildings account fir 48% of carbon emissions and over 60% of energy consumption," around the world, placing architecture and it potential in the foreground of the ecological and political scope. Architecture is then designated as a leader of the environmental movement and has the greatest potential to investigate and mitigate these environment issues. This is then shifted into a social influence around the world, creating a more environmentally conscious world that is aware of their carbon footprint and impact on their ecosystem. Zeara says that much of this can be designed through how a building approaches its facade. This could have a huge impact in many ways as they suggest. The users of the space may be provided with more natural environment to work that contain better ventilation or lighting. These are all changes that could change a societies day to day and ultimately shift their focus onto their own impact on their community and environment and what they can do to make it better.


  1. Great thought! I think that more and more built and natural environments would benefit from organizations like LEED, The Living Building Challenge, and etc. making this approach in architecture more socially acceptable and commonly used. Even though this approach is gaining in popularity due to current circumstances, its such a shame that it wasnt implemented and executed earlier in time to prevent the situations the world is in now. Architecture can influence so many so we should take advantage of the opportunity.


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