
Showing posts from January, 2024

One mans JUNK is another mans TREASURE

Game Theory, Climate Change & Junkspace

Impending Junkspace

Mall Theory

Is Architecture Art?

Render vs Real

What is "natural" in today's society?

Mirrors Over Time

Architecture Can't Save You

Mole rat

Mixed Use....But on Steroids


Rem Koolhaas and Expressive Architecture

Architecture, Language, and Silence

Contextualism: Fab or Fad

Responses to Urban Context

Learning to be Unlearned

Form Follows form! Function is a Must.

Beyond Conventional Design

Nature: Elevated

Can innovation be non-critical?

Unraveling the Urban Fabric

The History of Coney Island

Is "Bigness" Our Fate?

Urban Congestion as a Hopeful Society or Dark Future


Architecture For the Public?

Does “Repellent” Architecture.. repel?

Deferred Judgment

Is it really a blight?

Out with the Old? In with the New?


Reality and Fantasy in Blade Runner, Metropolis, and the Metropolis