Tectonic Geometries

While both indexical and diagrammatic approaches to architecture offer specific methodologies to support certain design decisions, I believe that the diagrammatic approach is a more suitable strategy for addressing the challenges posed by both geometric and programmatic aspects in building design. Rem Koolhaas' impact on the field of architecture attests to a design approach that is both contextual and innovative, without relying heavily on theory, to produce buildings that are architecturally unique, tectonically explorative, and highly functional. With that said, I also maintain the view that architects adopting this approach should consistently face challenges from radicals like Eisenman, encouraging them to explore geometric boundaries further and push the envelope in the architecture industry. 


  1. That's a great point and you are absolutely right, it's so important in any field, but specifically architecture, for ideas to be constantly challenged in order for meaningful progress to take place. I've always been so challenged by Eisenman's work that it never made any sense to me, but in a way that exactly his point.

  2. I also feel most comfortable with a diagrammatic approach to solving issues in design. I think that being able to diagram ideas and show the progression of thought is a language entirely of its own. With that said, this makes me wonder if can these challenges be both presented but also solved by such diagrammatic explorations.

    1. This was me:
      I also feel most comfortable with a diagrammatic approach to solving issues in design. I think that being able to diagram ideas and show the progression of thought is a language entirely of its own. With that said, this makes me wonder if can these challenges be both presented but also solved by such diagrammatic explorations.


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