Rearranging Fundamentals


Somol and Whiting’s analysis of modernist architecture examines the imbalance in beliefs surrounding how whether form follows function and vice versa. While classical theorists like Vitruvius provide a fundamental view of the balance between form and function, the discourse brought to life by modernist architects examines how the Vitruvian triad can be interpreted to champion architecture’s core characteristics over each other. Somol and Whiting’s notes reveal the lack of clarity in valuing one over another, and rather, emphasize the overlap between form and program, and reveal modern architecture as an exploration on how to redefine the weight of architecture’s fundamentals.


  1. Kelsey, it is very interesting to put the current discussion and prevailing view in comparison to classical theory. Today while we see these fundamentals of architecture, they interact in a more complex, layered way. I like how you described it as the weight of the importance of each shifting and becoming "imbalanced".


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