Historical Structures' Role in a Modern Society

    As a self-titled movie enthusiast, the movie Blade Runner (1982) questions the role of society and its interaction with the built environment. While watching the movie, the film has a fairly straight forward plot, but each character could be dissected to filth. I was personally extremely interested in J.F. Sebastain- particularly the apartment building that he lived in. 

    2019 was depicted to be one with lots of new technology, plenty of artificial lighting and grand architecture for what can be assumed for the wealthy people of their modern society. (It is no surprise that 2019 did not look like this) However, what is the role of historical or abandoned structures like J.F.'s home? As architects try to solve and fit into the world around us, what should happen to these properties? I personally believe that J.F. could be understood further because of how and where he lived. Overall, our homes and the places we give meaning should be a reflection of the people who live in it, and I think it is a part of an architects' job to encourage this.


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