Indexical & Diagrammatic

 This week the things I found most interesting in history & theory were the concepts of indexical and diagrammatic methods for designing architecture. Both theories resonated with me because that is how I like to design. Understanding the operations that have been applied to a simple geometry to get the end result makes the thought process of the designer clear to the observer. It also helps me to understand where I started and ended with a design and helps tell the story to my audience. Diagrammatic theory is another method that I have used many times in school and always helps me to understand what programs are needed and how they relate to one another through organization and scale. 


An example of indexical and diagrammatic drawings


  1. I thought this conversation was very interesting as well. I think both ways of designing have their place in architecture, and there is no reason we should be locked into one strategy or another. Some projects my require a more indexical approach while others require a more diagrammatical one.

  2. I also found it interesting how much these theories have influenced our own design work. I, too, have made indexical diagrams, but for me, they have only been made after the design process was complete and are not really indicative of my actual process. However, I do find the diagrammatic approach to be helpful in explaining my ideas.


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