Glass Houses

After making my way through the rather dense and often somewhat rambling texts, I found myself wondering if rejecting history and theory is truly any different from relying on it. Both lines of thought are reacting to history, the latter is just more honest about it. Structures produced with a complete lack of awareness of history and theory such as true vernacular architecture might be the best critique as they reflect contemporary human needs without all the muss and fuss that comes from analysis and artistic obsession. In comparison, B.I.G. seems to be attempting to both reject and respect history and theory, and his projects possess the feeling of doing too much and too little because of it.


  1. Your perspective on the interplay between rejecting history and theory is intriguing. It highlights the delicate balance in architecture particularly contrasting the authenticity of true vernacular architecture with the nuanced approach of architects like B.I.G. Do you see this tension as a necessary part of architectural evolution, or do you lean towards a particular approach?


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