Cierra's Blog Post: My reaction to the first week's theory lecture

 Theory is our identities as architects. It is the driving force what influences how we design. Theory is our ideas become reality through our graphics, color schemes, styles and more. While some might say that theory does not exist in modern day firm culture, I would say that it exists within ourselves. It exists within our portfolios, graphics, styles, and so much more. It is a very personal conversation between architect and his or her drawings. For the past three years we have spent our time debating whose theory is correct. Does Tafuri get it right with his pure architecture approach or does Eisenman's approach get it right with geometry. I would say that they can all be right in some shape and form because architectural theory can be more personal than universal. I do believe when we try to make architectural theory universal like mathematical and science theory, we force people out of their identities and culture. Theory should never be manipulative. Those whose have like minds are welcome to connect but we also have to leave room for other perspectives. Especially because architecture has historically been a very homogenous discipline which does not leave room for other cultural impressions. For example, I have come to find that I am passionate about sustainability but from an equity standpoint. I believe that sustainability has become a thing of priviledge versus a thing of accessibility. For this reason, I find myself designing around the notion that more people need accessible sustainable design versus trendy costly sustainable design.


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